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in St. Petersburg and Moscow
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The 2019 drawbridge season in Saint Petersburg starts on April 10


Navigation on the Neva in 2019 is scheduled for this Wednesday, April 10 - this implies that from this day bridges throughout the city will be opened up every day. Now, an incredible number of ships will pass through the main passages of the city and tourist routes will be put in place.

The schedule and the number of openings of some bridges, compared with the previous year, have changed a little.

The following bridges will be opened up once a night:

- Trinity bridge (from 01:20 to 04:50);
- Liteyny bridge (from 01:40 to 04:45);
- Bolsheokhtinsky bridge (from 02:00 to 05:00);
- Alexander Nevsky bridge (from 02:20 to 05:10).

The following bridges will be opened up twice a night:

- Exchange and Tuchkov bridges — from 02:00 to 02:55, from 03:55 to 04:55;
- Annunciation bridge — from 01:25 to 02:45, from 03:10 to 05:00;
- Volodarsky bridge — from 02:00 to 03:45, from 04:15 to 05:45;
Palace bridge — from 01:10 to 02:50, from 03:10 to 04:55.

From April 20, the bridges will be opened over the branches of the Neva, but the openings of Sampsonievsky, Grenadier and Kantemirovsky bridges, as always, will be carried out on applications submitted no later than two days in advance (from 01:30 to 04:30).
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