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St. Petersburg Navy parade, which takes place on the 29th of July this year, will become one of the central events of July.


The official part will start with St. Andrew’s flag being raised on military ships. The personnel of the fleet will be congratulated by high-ranked army officials, including the first persons of the country. The most outstanding navy sailors will receive merit certificates, medals, and decorations. The personnel will get memorable gifts and honorary mentions from higher-ranked staff.

To celebrate the holiday, processions of military ships are on display and many vessels have “open door days”. For the spectators, open door days is perhaps the most fascinating part of the holiday. It’s surprising: anyone can see how military ships function with their own eyes, quite literally experiencing how a sailor lives during his service and personally meeting those who protect the sea borders of our country. Of course, the holiday includes military sport competitions between small and big ships. Finding and damaging a target, manoeuvring and shooting, completing tasks within set time limits and handling non-standard situations; during these activities, a ship's readiness to protect the country is checked in the form of a game.

Last year, more than 100 000 people watched the parade from the Neva’s embankments in St. Petersburg. In a single column formation, cutters and four fleets of ships entered the Neva’s waters, followed by aircraft. The troops were overseen by the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During the 2018 parade, eighteen new cutters and ships will be presented, including the Karakurt corvette and Ivan Khurs intelligence ship, which were launched this year.
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