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The City Day in Moscow 2017


On September 9-10, Moscow will celebrate 870 years from its foundation. This year, more than 50 venues will celebrate the City Day in the style of Russian avant-garde.

September 1-10, downtown venues and sites in all of the districts in the capital will host festival "Moscow’s Jubilee 870," dedicated to an outstanding contribution of our city and its residents to the Russian and world’s heritage. Slogan "Moscow is a city where history is made" will combine seven themes of milestones in the capital’s history: "Moscow conquers," "Moscow creates," "Moscow builds," "Moscow sets up records," "Moscow invents," "Moscow opens" and "Our victories."

The festivities will have the City Day on September 9-10 as their culmination. Tverskaya Street will be one the main venues, where the history of Moscow's discoveries, victories, and achievements will come to life.Informative lectures, interactive performances, concerts, fragments from famous performances of Moscow theatres, spectacular sports and scientific shows, and meetings with outstanding Muscovites will be in for city residents and visitors of the capital.

On September 9, city birthday, at 22:00, celebratory gunfire and fireworks will be arranged. In the sky, they will launch "peonies," "chrysanthemums," "snakes," "hearts," shimmering figures and other colourful forms. 13,260 salvos will be in total heard over the city.

You will be able to come to know better your favourite city! Free Moscow tours will make it possible to see parks, gardens, miniparks, gardens and museums in a new light. For Muscovites and visitors of the city over 200 free routes have been developed in the downtown of the capital, and all the administrative districts, including Troitsky and Novomoskovsky. It is expected that about 15 thousand people will take these tours. Moreover, in observance of the City Day, on September 9-10, 88 museums will offer free entrance.
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