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St. Petersburg fountains have emerged from winter hibernation


St. Petersburg fountain season has started.So far, ten fountains have been switched on in the capital of the North, including ones in Manezhnaya Square, near the Kazan Cathedral, in St. Petersburg 300th Anniversary Park, and on Fontanka Embankment.

On Friday, April 21, fountains will start working in the garden square near the Winter Palace, in the Alexander’s Garden near the Admiralty and some others. In total for 2017, 49 fountains are scheduled to start working by the April end. Kronstadt fountains called "Fish", "Pearl", "Waterman", near the town water pipe tower and in the garden park near the Gostiny Dvor, will be switched on on May 1 as tradition demands.On Victory Day, May 9, light and music fountain complexes will be switched on in Moskovskaya Square and Lenin Square in front of Finlyandsky Railway Station.

It is worth mentioning that fountains are usually switched off in autumn, when the air temperature is below zero at night. According to weather forecasts, in the coming days in the northern capital, there might be temperature falls up to negative values. Thus, on Friday, the air will turn cold up to 0°C, on Saturday up to 1°C below zero.In Moscow, fountain season opening is scheduled for April 29.
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