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Individual sightseeing tourism
in St. Petersburg and Moscow
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Moscow: Most interesting

Moscow is the capital of Russia, "the third Rome", "the big village", "gold-domed city" and the city of  "white stone". Until the end of the XIX century Moscow was "white stone" in literal sense. The only exeption was Kremlin with it's red-brick walls.

 Moscow is one of the largest cities of the world and the biggest city in Russia.  More than 11 million  inhabitants live here. In the XIV century Moscow became the residence of metropolitans and since the XVI century — patriarchs residence. That is why Moscow is also the religious center of the country.

  In 1980 Moscow hosted the XXII Summer Olympic Games.

 Moscow is also a big transport hub. About 12 million people use buses, trolleybuses, trams and the subway every day. There is a legend that Moscow has a secret line of the subway.  It is considered to have been build as a shelter in case of danger. However this legend isn't proved.

 There is one more myth that legendary treasures of  Templars are also located in Moscow. They were taken secretly out from Paris. There are even some confirmations of  Templars' stay on the Danilov Monastery walls.

 Two world famous diamonds are stored in Diamond fund in Moscow. One of them is called "Shah",  its weight is 88 carats. It was Tehran Shah who presented the stone to Nikolay I in 1829. It was a sign of reconciliation after the murder of well-known Russian poet  A.S. Griboyedovthe who was diplomat in Tehran at that time. The second diamond in a collection of Diamond fund is "Eagles".

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